Great job it was cool
Hey I laughed that means your doin a pretty good job. I don't laugh much. But this was a pretty good flash. I just gotta say keep it up you did good. And i also like the killing of zombies with a cross. Keep it up man.
Great job it was cool
Hey I laughed that means your doin a pretty good job. I don't laugh much. But this was a pretty good flash. I just gotta say keep it up you did good. And i also like the killing of zombies with a cross. Keep it up man.
WTF this sucks fuckin shit
It aint even a stick flash WTF. The music sucks. At least try next time ok asshole.
i said the only reason it would be considered a stick is because of the head. The music fits perfectly with the flash. Ur favorite band is Gorillaz, which explains why you do not like this song (I like Gorillaz too, just saying)
I love the gorillaz
send this flash to there website thet'll love it but i thought it was awsom
Squirrel O' side
How many times do you see a goth girl commite suicide? Well of course alot but how many times do you see a goth girl shoot a squirrel? Probably enough. But have you seen a goth girl kill a talking squirrel! A-ha. This flash is so good with the brains on the floor humor that I just had to give it a 10. All the flashes from Ill Well Press are awsome too. Not just this one. So go and watch a neuroticaly deranged squirrel who talks to thei gothic owner.
Linky but still damn funny
this flash made me laugh my dog off. Keep goin Link.
Cheating is a finals foe.
This flash had so much to it it was so out of the ordinary. But a end of a test and the tail of a dragon is movie magic. This dragon f#$%er is on my fave list from now on.
Me Love Foamy
Jugga what? Juggalo
Age 32, Male
Van Nuys High
ShermanOaks CA
Joined on 6/1/05